Sonic Fan Fictions Wiki

This article, Rouge the Bat, is property of NoahB2002.

For the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series' version of the character, look up "Rouge the Bat" on the "Sonic News Network" wiki page.

Rouge is an anthropomorphic bat, and renowned jewel thief, who works as a part-time government spy for the President of both the U.S.A. and United Federation, and in close association with G.U.N., on Planet Earth.


Rouge's early history[]

Not much is known of Rouge's past, or origin story. Though, at some point, she gained an obsession with jewels and became a treasure hunter.


Rouge had been eavesdropping on Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik when Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends attacked his base to rescue Cream and Cheese and retrieve the seven Chaos Emeralds, but was caught up in the Chaos Control that resulted from damage done to the Doctor's device the Chaos Emeralds were in, sending her to Earth with everyone else. Rouge decided to focus her attention on her thievery skills, stealing valuable gems, and purposefully leaving her calling card behind after she escapes. Overhearing a plan by G.U.N. to lure Sonic into a trap via rumors of a Chaos Emerald to convince him to aid them against Robotnik, Rouge went ahead and changed the sign, luring Sonic and his friends in the wrong direction, while she fell into the trap and was caught by the waiting G.U.N. troopers, including a female agent named Ellen Topaz, who Rouge quickly got on the bad side of with her insults that left the rest of the troopers laughing at Topaz's expense.

Meeting with the President, Rouge was granted immunity to her crimes and permission to keep all the gems she had taken if she agreed to aid G.U.N. on a stealth mission into Robotnik's headquarters to map it out for a future attack on the base. Rouge agreed (if only to use the government to find all seven Emeralds), but since she was not fully trustworthy yet, she had a bomb attached to her wrist, so if there was the slightest hint of treachery from her, they would detonate it. However, Rouge proved herself by helping the commando team enter the base and explore it, but with dawn approaching, most of the commandos retreated, while Topaz remained with Rouge to continue the mission, running into E-70 Noizi, who alerted Robotnik to intruders, and he sent E-12 Behemoth, E-13 Guardbot, and E-14 Sneezer to investigate. Rouge was unable to fight back thanks to Noizi's amplified siren reaching levels that even her sensitive bat ears could not handle, but when Rouge busted the bomb off her wrist and jammed it in Noizi's speaker, Topaz detonated the bomb, damaging Noizi long enough for Rouge to finish it off with her Screw Kick, before she grabbed Topaz and fled past Robotnik moments before Noizi exploded completely, leaving Robotnik to get burnt by the blast.

Thanks to the intelligence that Rouge and Topaz collected during that mission, the President prepared the attack on Robotnik's headquarters. While G.U.N. launched a frontal assault with naval and air forces, a special forces team, including Topaz and Rouge, sneaked into the base to plant explosives in the Power Room. However, Robotnik returned from going after a Chaos Emerald, and after chewing out Decoe and Bocoe for firing on him when they thought he was a G.U.N. aircraft, he sealed Topaz, Rouge, and the special forces team in the Power Room with the explosives armed and ready to detonate in a few minutes. As Topaz gave up hope, Rouge attempted to bust the door down, soon aided by Knuckles. Luckily, Sonic, after defeating E-18 Guerra-Hard and getting its two Chaos Emeralds, broke the door down, allowing Knuckles, Rouge, Topaz, and the special forces team to escape just in time before the explosives blew and wiped out Robotnik's headquarters.

With the destruction of Robotnik's headquarters, Rouge had proven herself trustworthy of becoming one of the best agents for G.U.N. in their fight against Robotnik. Sometime later, Rouge pursued Knuckles through Oriental City in the belief that he would lead her to one of the Chaos Emeralds still needing to be found. However, while tailing him into an old subway station, she was knocked out from behind by Robotnik's E-91 Lady Ninja, disguised as a young woman who was Knuckles and his friend Hawk's rickshaw driver. Rouge recovered and intercepted Knuckles and Lady Ninja when Knuckles was exchanging the Chaos Emerald for Hawk's safety as the Lady Ninja took him hostage. Rouge nearly escaped with the Chaos Emerald, but the Lady Ninja sliced the bag open, and in the end, Knuckles gained the Emerald while the Lady Ninja was shorted out with water thrown on it by Hawk, allowing Knuckles to finish it off. Some time later, Rouge and Topaz were on a leave of absence from their duties with G.U.N., when they saw Nelson Thorndyke enter a nearby jewelry store to get a ring as a wedding anniversary gift for Lindsey. Upon realizing that the jewel he picked out was a Chaos Emerald, Rouge and Topaz decided to pursue Nelson to Filmdom City to acquire it. Once there, it was not until Robotnik literally crashed the set of Lindsey's next movie in the Egg Fort II that Rouge seized the opportunity and snatched the emerald box out of Nelson's hands, only to find herself and Topaz struggling to keep Robotnik from getting it when he caught Rouge by surprise and tried to take the Emerald from her. Despite Rouge and Topaz's efforts, Robotnik flung them into Mister Stewart, then threw E-74 Weazo on Sonic and the others, before making his escape with the Chaos Emerald. While Sonic and the others still celebrated Nelson and Lindsey's wedding anniversary, Rouge contemplated on how with only one Chaos Emerald still out there, once all seven were found and united, Chaos Control and a miracle would occur. Much later, Rouge and Topaz managed to locate the hidden area where the Egg Fort II was grounded, and noticed Chris Thorndyke and Knuckles approach the ship to apparently broker a truce with Robotnik. Later, they watched as Knuckles was ejected from the Egg Fort II when Robotnik double-crossed him and Chris, and took off to meet up with E-77 Lucky, who found the final Chaos Emerald. Rouge and Topaz quickly radioed the situation back to G.U.N. While in pursuit in a helicopter, Topaz presented Rouge with some jewelry as a gift, which appeared to soften Rouge, though Topaz tried to avoid showing much emotion to what she did. However, when the Egg Fort II transformed into the E-99 Eggsterminator and destroyed the Beetles sent to confront it, Topaz asked her pilot if they could get closer, but he could not. Rouge, however, managed to slip into the Eggsterminator after Knuckles broke into the cockpit to save Chris and get revenge for being double-crossed, and flew out with both a badly-injured Chris and the other six Chaos Emeralds, as the seventh one Lucky found now sat at the bottom of the ocean with a beaten Sonic after the thrashing, he has been given by the Eggsterminator earlier. As Rouge considered the jewelry she could make from the emeralds, Chris struggled enough to cause Rouge to drop him and the Emeralds, and she is only able to catch him while the Emeralds fell into the ocean. Rouge barely had time to contemplate losing her new jewelry before the Eggsterminator grabbed her and Chris and tried to crush them. However, before it could, Sonic transformed into Super Sonic, tearing the Eggsterminator's fist into shrapnel in milliseconds, catching Rouge by surprise before she bore witness to Super Sonic tearing the rest of the Eggsterminator apart in seconds, and launching a Chaos Control that brought the Mystic Ruins and Angel Island to the shores of Station Square.


With it having been two years since the attack on Robotnik's headquarters, and with no sign of him since, Rouge found herself with little action. However, things changed when she bore witness to Perfect Chaos and its attack on Station Square. As she watched in either shock or concern from the White House, the President ordered G.U.N. to try and take Perfect Chaos out, only to instead watch as Super Sonic took Perfect Chaos down alone.

Learning that Robotnik has recently hacked into G.U.N. and downloaded the information on his grandfather, Gerald Kintobor, and Project Shadow, the President assigned Rouge and Topaz to hunt Robotnik down. Rouge figured the best way was to find a Chaos Emerald, so she and Topaz head for Angel Island to steal tone, only to be pursued by Knuckles when he learned of the theft. Knuckles tried to stop her, but Rouge was able to escape with the emerald, anyway. Rouge was able to get into Robotnik's inner circle by bringing him a Chaos Emerald Topaz found, allowing her to team up with Shadow, a black and red hedgehog, who just happens to be the Ultimate Life Form. From there, Rouge joined Robotnik and Shadow in the attack on Prison Island, both to plant explosives, and to retrieve the Chaos Emeralds stored there. With the explosives ready to detonate, Shadow used Chaos Control to transport himself, Rouge, and Chris to Space Colony ARK. All the while, Rouge kept in contact with Topaz before Shadow discovered her actions and destroyed her communication device. However, Rouge managed to find another way to contact Topaz, and with the information Rouge collected, it allowed Topaz to take the police and apprehend a secret group within G.U.N. that covered up Project Shadow. Rouge then watched as Sonic and Shadow dealt with the Bio Lizard and prevented Gerald's doomsday plot from being completed, then returned to Earth with the others after mourning Shadow's apparent sacrifice during the battle.

Following the events with the ARK, Rouge and Knuckles were together to share thoughts regarding recent events before Rouge took her leave, but not without making another romantic comment towards Knuckles, causing him to yell back. Later, Rouge talked to Topaz, who was away on vacation on a tropical island, hoping to catch the first sunrise of the New Year, while Rouge complained about not liking the sunlight. However, when the Egg Moon obstructed the Sun and caused a never-ending eclipse, Topaz voiced her frustration about her vacation being ruined to Rouge, who was enjoying the dark herself. Later, Rogue and Topaz were summoned by the President to investigate Sonic's destruction of Robotnik's Mirror Towers that provided power to his Sunshine Ballshe had offered after saying that the Egg Moon was malfunctioning and that he needed time to repair it. During the flight there, Rouge lost altitude due to some sort of interference before recovering. Although Topaz was worried about Rouge, Rouge headed down to see what caused her faltering, discovering the transmitter to the Moon in a small clearing. Rouge proved unable to penetrate the transmitter's dome, so they joined their fellow GUN agents when they confronted Sonic with Chris, Tails, and Amy. Once Sonic revealed that Robotnik was purposefully controlling the Egg Moon for another shot at world conquest, Rouge returned to the Thorndyke Mansion to plan their next move with Sonic and the others. While Sonic, Tails, and Amy headed to the White House to rescue the President and Christina Cooper, whom Robotnik had taken hostage, Rouge and Topaz joined Knuckles and Mister Tanaka in a space shuttle up to the Moon, where Rouge located the Moon's transmitter for Knuckles to destroy and end the eclipse.

After Bokkun managed to bust Robotnik out of prison, Rouge and Topaz were assigned to hunt him down again. At one point, while investigating Robotnik's lair underneath Station Square, Rouge got attacked by him in a spider-like robot mech. During the fight, Emerl managed to copy Rouge's Screw Kick and use it as well. However, Robotnik escaped while the mech was destroyed. In a bid to lure out Robotnik, Rouge participated in the Chaos Emerald Martial Arts Mash-Up held by the President with a Chaos Emerald as the prize. Rouge did pretty well in the tournament, even squaring off with Amy Rose, but got eliminated in the semi-finals. However, when Emerl went ballistic from the Chaos Emerald's energies, Rouge tried to stop him with Sonic and Knuckles, but thanks to Emerl having copied her Screw Kick, she was unable to defeat him and it ended up being Cream and Cheese who destroyed Emerl for good.




Rouge is an anthropomorphic Mobian bat, with white fur, orange-tan skin, teal eyes, and is a curvy figure. She has large pointy ears, a small black nose on a tan muzzle, a short pointy tail, and a pair of dark purple wings on her back. Her head only appears to have fur, which flares out into six points at the back. She usually wears blue eyeshadow and pink lipstick. And lastly, she has human-like hands and feet with three toes, with black nails and claws.


Her classic attire consists of a skintight, black, sleeveless unitard, with a pink heart-shaped chest-plate, with white trimming, and long white gloves and boots with magenta-pink cuffs. The boots are high-heeled and features hearts on the toes.

In addition, Rouge sports different some outfits that differ from her typical clothing:

  • Rouge's former secondary attire is a ninja-like outfit, included with heels. It consists of a full black unitard, with a similar heart chest plate and pink hearts at the feet, along with a ninja cowl with a pink heart at the back. She wore it, when she, along with Agent Topaz and a squad of G.U.N. soldiers were assaulting on Dr. Robotnik's tower base. Later on, she wore it while she, Topaz and the G.U.N. soldiers were on Angel Island to retrieve a Chaos Emerald, only to be pursued by Knuckles when he attacked her, ripped off her cowl and learned of the theft, though Rouge was able to escape with the emerald, anyways. That marked the last time Rouge would wear that attire.
  • For her gymnasium workout attire, Rouge wears a black sports top with white trimming, along with a pair of magenta-pink wristbands and black tearaway sweatpants. She also wears a pair of flip-flops, both before and after her workout sessions.


Friends & allies[]

(in alphabetical order)


(in alphabetical order)

  • Bio Lizard
  • Bocoe
  • Bokkun
  • Black Narcissus
  • Dark Oak
  • Decoe
  • Dr. Robotnik (depending on Rouge's goal)
  • Emerl
  • E-70 Noizi
  • E-91 Lady Ninja
  • Metarex
  • Pale Bayleaf
  • Yellow Zelkova


For a whole list of Rouge's famous one-liners and quotes, click here.


  • To be added...

Concept artwork[]

To be added...