About Series 0[]
Series 0 was made as a semi-afterthought after making Series 1. Danny "D-Boy" Wheeler had a sort of "falling out" with the Archie Sonic comics (er, long story). So, what he did was made Series 0, a collection of game based fics (during the early Sega era, i.e. before Dreamcast) and rewrites of the comic stories (up to Issue 50) to make them a mix between SatAM Sonic and the Sonic Anime. They even have Old Man Owl (aka Ojiisan) in them.
There's Mobius of the Sky and Mobius of Darkness. In the case of the people and animals, and the roboticization process, most are turned into Badniks (keeping true to the video games). But some, like Uncle Chuck and Lupe, become "Super Badniks", and become sub bosses. In both cases, they behave sort of like the baddies in the anime "Monster Rancher." But defeating them in battle sets the person or animal free.
For Bunnie, she can be normal or cyborg at will. When turning to cyborg form, she does a pose similar to a Ronin Warrior transformation (assuming anyone saw that anime).
Robotnik is called Eggman in most of these fics. And Snively is reduced to a mere lab assistant--Eggman's second in command is none other than Metal Sonic.
Anyway, enjoy the fics.
Series 0 is broken up into four "seasons".