Sonic Fan Fictions Wiki

This article, Cosmo the Seedrian, is property of NoahB2002.

For the character from the 2003-to-2006 anime series, Sonic X, look up "Cosmo the Seedrian" on the "Sonic News Network" wiki page.

Cosmo was a female Seedrian child, whose home-world was destroyed by the villainous Metarex, who, in the years that followed, left her as the sole survivor of her kind. To thwart the Metarex's ambitions for universal dominance, She joined Sonic the Hedgehog and his allies in their war against the Metarex, eventually becoming a love interest for Sonic's little pal, Tails Prower, but sacrificed her life to defeat the Metarex for the greater good.


Cosmo's past[]

Cosmo's former home-world was destroyed by the Metarex, before she was born, and she was instead raised on a space colony. She lived peacefully there until the Metarex came and began to destroy her new home, including her family (which included Earthia). As Cosmo was escaping, the Metarex planted a tracking device on her. Cosmo also had a device inside her brain, which when activated, allowed the Metarex to hear and see everything that she did, allowing them to always be one step ahead of their enemies.

After the attack, Cosmo escaped into a ship and arrived on Planet Mobius. Tails, Cream, Cheese and Amy were the first to find her and they, except for Cheese, questioned her arrival. Cosmo told them that she was looking for the "legendary hero that can use the power of all seven Chaos Emeralds, Sonic the Hedgehog." She refused to tell them any more. Later, while in Tails' jet, the X-Tornado, she spotted Sonic and hopped out to greet him. Cosmo pleaded for him to help her.

Sonic agreed to help her and he, Cosmo, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Cheese and Chris Thorndyke, who recently arrived on Mobius, began traveling through the universe in Tails' new space ship, the Blue Typhoon, in search of the Chaos Emeralds which Sonic scattered through the universe during his first battle with Dark Oak, leader of the Metarex.

Later on, Shadow raided the Blue Typhoon and attempted to kill Cosmo, as he believed her to be a spy for the Metarex, but Cosmo's friends managed to keep her safe, especially Tails, who endeavored to keep her safe, to the point of almost being knocked unconscious. Before Shadow could do Cosmo any harm, a Metarex broke in and interrupted the fighting. Dark Oak called Cosmo "White Seed" and praised her for completing her mission. Cosmo then remembered that before she escaped from her space colony, the Metarex were planning to use her as a spy.

Chris and Tails managed to locate an invisible signal and found that it was attached to her brain; if they removed it, Cosmo's hearing and sight may have been lost in the process, rendering her deaf and blind, possibly permanently. In the English version, Knuckles said that it would have been best to do that, but Tails refused to harm Cosmo.

Later on, Cosmo learned that she could hear the Metarex in her head and fell into deeper despair. While she was disheartened, Chris told Sonic that he now understood why Cosmo was able to understand the Metarex language.

More to be added...




Cosmo is a short, Seedrian being, with pale peach skin, and light blue eyes with one long eyelash on each one. She possesses short bright green hair with a pair of paradise pink flower buds held it by golden hair ties, one on each side of her head. And lastly, she possesses both the human-like hand configuration (with four fingers and a thumb on each hand) and human-like feet configuration (with five toes on each foot).


For her attire, she wears a green and white dress with long sleeves, gold cuffs on the end, and gold trimming, along with a red amulet, white leggings, and green doll shoes.



Earthia is Cosmo's mother who is the leader of the Green Gate council. She decides to leave the planet when it becomes too dangerous, but she is later killed after the Metarex board her refugee ship. she appears to Dark Oak—now returned to his form as Lucas—and speaks with him, telling him that thanks to Cosmo they now have 'another chance' together; however this dialogue appears only in the dubbed version. Though originally incensed by Earthia's murder at her father's hands, Cosmo comes to see her mother in a much less innocent light after learning that it was her spiteful actions on Green Gate that created the Metarex.

Dark Oak[]

Dark Oak is Cosmo's father and Earthia's husband. She has a strained relationship with him, as Dark Oak would treat her more like a subordinate than a daughter. Due to this, Dark Oak would be willing to fight Cosmo should she get in his way. Cosmo herself despised her father's deeds and turned on him. Nonetheless, on learning of her father's tragic origins Cosmo comes to empathise with Dark Oak somewhat, and recognises him as the last remaining member of her family. In the Japanese version, Cosmo eventually mourns the fact that she and her friends learned to see past their differences yet she cannot do the same for her father - questioning if he genuinely hates animals as much as he claims or if his actions are nothing but revenge against her mother. On attempting to restore the Chaos Emeralds, Cosmo attempts to reason with Dark Oak, debating her hope that their species can coexist with animals one day against his jaded cynicism that her dream is impossible to achieve.

Miles "Tails" Prower[]

Don't be so sad, Miles. Whenever you miss me, know that you'll always look for me, right here beside you.

Cosmo's last words to Tails.

Cosmo became good friends with Sonic and friends, but most particularly with Tails. The two of them ended up alone on a mission together at one point when Tails got hurt, Cosmo stitched his bruise and Tails blushes in return. Later on, when the Blue Typhoon meets the Chaotix for the second time; in return for Tails repairing the Chaotix's space ship, the Chaotix noticed that Tails is starting to have an affection for Cosmo so the trio tried plans to join the two together in love. Although those plans failed, Tails and Cosmo's relationship seemed to be more intimate, even to the point of Tails saying "Cosmo, you're so beautiful" but didn't have the courage to completely say it and Cosmo misheard it, thinking about something else.

Their love for each other is confirmed, when the Blue Typhoon lands at Planet Marmolim. There, Cream inquires about Cosmo's future and the fortune teller states that there is romance in her future. He also says it is strange since "plants and animals do not usually get along," which foreshadows future events throughout the series between Cosmo and Tails. Although a heart-corrupted Amy Rose has set-up a trap to lure Sonic into the lake, Tails and Cosmo accidentally trigger it themselves, leaving the duo in love for each other while watching the moon, much to Amy's disgrace.

Tails later protected Cosmo when Shadow targeted her for assassination. Tails continued trying to stop Shadow even when he was very badly injured by him. Later on, Cosmo plants herself on Dark Oak (in her metamorphosis form) to immobilize him, telling the heroes to fire the Sonic Driver/Power Cannon at Dark Oak, however, this would also kill her, much to everyone's dismay, especially Tails'. When it's up to him to fire the Cannon, Tails was extremely hesitant to do so and had a brief emotional breakdown, but with the help of Eggman's reassurance, Tails screams his love for Cosmo just before he fired the Sonic Driver. In the English dub, he never directly stated such words; it is strongly implied that Tails simply did not have the courage, even at the end, to admit that he loved her. When Cosmo's spirit visits Tails she kisses him on the lips. In response, Cosmo says that she will always love Tails before ascending into the afterlife, while also saying that she will never forget him.

Knuckles the Echidna[]

To be added...

Chris Thorndyke[]

Christopher Thorndyke is a friend of Cosmo as well. They get along pretty well. Cosmo starts to look up to Chris after he nearly succeeded in rescuing her from Black Narcissus during which time Chris tells Cosmo that she reminds him a lot of himself before he met Sonic. Like the others, Chris is greatly saddened when Cosmo sacrifices herself to save the Galaxy.


  • Cosmo's appearances, personality, and abilities, along with her history, all match those of her counterpart from the 2003-to-2006 anime series, Sonic X.

Concept artwork[]